Current Weather Conditions - Graphs
Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA

Updated: 02/16/04 1:15pm

Temperature Graph
Hi: 27.9°F / Lo: 9.3°F

Barometer Graph
Hi: 30.590 in / Lo: 30.389 in

Humidity Graph
Hi: 49% / Lo: 23%

Dewpoint Graph
1.0°F / Lo: -14.0°F

High Wind Speed Graph
Hi: 12.0 mph

Wind Direction Graph
Current: NNE (17°)

Heat Index Graph
Hi: 28.0°F

Wind Chill Graph
Lo: 8.0°F

Rain Graph
Current: 0.00 in
Storm Total: 0.00 in
Hi Rain Rate: 0.00 in

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Normal update time: Every 15 minutes, 6am-10pm EST on Weekdays, 8am-10pm EST on Weekend days
Note: High/low data represented below respective graphs is for the current day beginning at 12am EST.